Personal analytics

Global Game Analytics

  • Pearl Metrics

    • Players will be able to see their staked PEARL quantity and their value displayed in other cryptocurrency, as well as the required PEARL amount for a Liquidity Pool formation.

  • Profits

    • The global amount of distributed PEARL, the amount remaining in the staking fund, statistics on how much PEARL has been distributed as rewards so far, and the game's overall profit margin.

  • Burn

    • Players will be able to see how much PEARL has been burnt to create NFTs and the total amount of all bought-back PEARL on PancakeSwap displayed in other cryptocurrency.

  • Data

    • All charts and graphs show the last 90 days of activity of PEARL by default, with options provided to display different time frames of activity, including a full history of the changes in the market. There are different types of analytics players can look up which are rendered as charts and graphs.

    • PD Asset Management daily proceeds history is displayed in other cryptocurrency equivalent.

    • PEARL circulating supply (becomes invaluable when lots of PEARL will start to be burned for NFT mints on a daily basis).

    • Historic data on automated PancakeSwap PEARL buybacks displayed in other cryptocurrency equivalent.

    • Historic data on automated PancakeSwap PEARL buyback amount

    • Historic chart of burnt PEARL over time

    • Historic graph of projected min/max and the actual price of PEARL displayed in other cryptocurrency equivalent.

Last updated

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