Game events take place during the Golden Age of Piracy, covering the timeline from the late 16th century to the beginning of the 18th century. While all major historical events that occurred during that time are held true in Pearl Diver Universe, players can also encounter myths and legends that surround the era, such as the City of Eldorado, cursed pirate ships, the Fountain of Youth, and various mythical sea creatures like the Kraken and Sirens.
In terms of DnD classification, the Pearl Diver Universe can be considered a low-magic world where mystical events are often just talked about but rarely happen.
Regarding historical accuracy of weaponry and technology (ship types), the game mixes timelines to offer more diversity and allow for fantasy-like encounters to happen. For example, players may encounter a 15th-century carrack vessel engaged in a cannon battle with a late 17th-century frigate warship.
The game lore will be written and presented by the team and some prominent community members, along with product updates. Various lore-specific events, stories, ships, and characters may be minted as limited-edition collectible NFTs.
Pearl Diver Universe's story begins in the Caribbean with classical pirate tales, but it is not limited to that region. According to the team's vision, the game lore may cover all places in the world if the project becomes a franchise. Therefore, players may experience stories unfolding in the Indian Ocean or the Sea of Japan at some point.
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