Utility Cases

  • Locking. Players will be able to lock on purchase their PEARL as they see fit, to generate more PEARL for themselves in the process.

  • Burn to mint NFTs. At a later stage of the game, players will be able to burn PEARL to create unique NFTs used in the game.

  • Burn to craft other tokens: The game features a crafting mechanic that allows you to burn certain types of tokens to obtain other tokens.

  • Derivative asset creation. PEARL can be used to mint derivative assets – GOLD, fungible BEP20 standard tokens created on BNB Chain that can be used to obtain special game assets and/or grant access to various future game services and events. GOLD tokens will be created using a fixed PEARL/GOLD rate and are going to have their own liquidity pools on PancakeSwap. PEARL tokens will be burned during GOLD token minting process.

Last updated